Q: So, you're telling me that your media literacy textbook is basically a 790g paperweight with an expensive international shipping label attached? What gives?

A: Hey, now - we prefer to think of it as a comprehensive guide to navigating the ever-changing landscape of media. But yeah, it's a bit of a unit. And yes, international postage can be a little pricey. But don't fret! We'll happily send our books your way if you're keen. Contact us at info@mediaandenglishliteracy.com We can send via Sendle or Australia Post. Or, if you're feeling like a savvy shopper, hit up Amazon. Who knows, as a Prime customer, you might even be able to dodge those pesky postage fees. 

Q: Do you offer local book delivery in Perth, W.A? 

A: Absolutely!  But here's the thing - our delivery drivers are a special breed. They thrive on the thrill of the bookish chase. They need a challenge, a worthy opponent, a reason to rev their engines and hit the open road. So, in order to make it worth their while (and yours, of course), we require a minimum order of 10 books.

Q: How long does it take to get my hands on that sweet bookish goodness? 

A: Ah, yes, the eternal question. Well, to answer your query with utmost transparency, it takes us around 4 business days or less to get your precious package all bundled up and delivered to Australia Post. Now, I know 4 days (plus Aus Post's delivery time) might seem like a lifetime when you're eagerly waiting for that new bestseller to arrive (yes, we can but dream), but just think of it as a test of your patience. And let's be honest, what's more exciting than checking your doorstep every morning like a kid on Christmas? Plus, it gives you plenty of time to prepare for the moment when you finally get to hold that book in your arms. You can practice your book-sniffing technique, get your reading glasses all polished up, and maybe even do a little victory dance.

Q: How can I check the status of my order without appearing like a desperate stalker?

A: Well, first of all, it's okay to be a little bit of a stalker when it comes to your precious package. After all, you've been waiting for it like a kid waits for Santa on Christmas Eve. But if you want to avoid seeming too intense, try sending a message that sounds casual and nonchalant, like "Hey, just wondering if my order is on its way yet or if it's still taking a detour to Hawaii for a piña colada." Trust us, we love a little humour.

Q: Does anyone actually read these FAQs?

A: Only the wisest and most knowledgeable people, of course. The rest of us just click around until we stumble upon the answer we need.